Подпишитесь на телеграмм-канал про ИИ в образовании: Егошин | Кеды профессора

Геннадий Дружинин

Visiting Lecturer, Interior Architecture and Design.

Professional biography:

Currently holds leadership in the Design department of Project Galley buro and specialises on public and private interiors, including residential design. Among the released projects there are «Bauman House», «WestSide» «Art Residence» etc. Gennadiy has vast experience in dealing with corporate and private clients and a long list of collaborations with various contractors from design and construction fields. The purely architectural background informs his practice and practice in project development.

Research / professional practice interests:

• Interior Architecture and Design
• Contemporary art
• History of Architecture and local context.

Academic qualifications:

● Moscow School of Architecture (MARCH) (Sep 17 –June 19)
march.ru (accredited by the London Metropolitan Institute)
ВА of Architecture. Final mark: A. Several projects were published in MARCH year book.
● Moscow Institute of Architecture (MARHI), (Sep 11 –Dec 14)
marhi.ru (accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects)
Three years course. Area of specialization: Design of Architectural Space.
● Moscow College of Architecture and Construction (KAMS №17) (May 06 –June 11)
Graduate Diploma Technician-Architect. Final mark: Distinction.

Курсы (1)